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Kilođulov fuglovž

Lepo pozdravljeni vsi skupaj,
moje ime je Milimir Kilođul in sam bil včasih od vas Slovencev malo bolj južni sosed, zdaj pa sem se k vam gor preselil.
Slovenija mi je zelo všeč, le da sem bil jaz pri nas dol malo manj navajen razsipavanja in zapravljanja (sem prav napisal?) in se včasih kar začudim, koliko porabite vi, pravi Evropejci.
Skoraj vsak teden najdem tukaj naokrog kakšno čudno zadevo. Jaz jo napišem sem gor, vi pa pridite, poglejte in se čudite z mano!

" . mysql_error()); $usernum = mysql_num_rows($q['userchk']); if(!isset($_POST['passw']) || $usernum == "0") { if($usernum == "1") { ?> :
" . mysql_error()); print $lang['msgNewsCommentAdded'] . "
[ $_POST['a'])) . "\">" . $lang['lblNewsBack'] . " ]"; */ } } } else { $q['userchk'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_user WHERE user = '" . cn_dbEscape( $_POST['name'] ) . "' AND pass='" . cn_dbEscape( $_POST['passw'] ) . "' LIMIT 1", $link) or E( $lang['errorUserInfoCheck'] . "
" . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($q['userchk']) == "1") { // Post comment with protected username $_POST['name'] = cn_htmltrans($_POST['name'],'text'); $_POST['comment'] = cn_htmltrans($_POST['comment'],'text'); $q[ins_com] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $t_coms (id, news_id, name, email, comment, date, ip) VALUES ('', '$_POST[a]', '$_POST[name]', '$_POST[email]', '$_POST[comment]', '$now', '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]')", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsCommentInsert'] . "
" . mysql_error()); print $lang['msgNewsCommentAdded'] . "
[ $_POST['a'])) . "\"><< Nazaj ]"; } else { print $lang['errorNewsCommentPassword'] . "
[ << Nazaj ]"; } } } else { $q['info'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_news WHERE id = '$_REQUEST[a]' LIMIT 1", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $newsnum = mysql_num_rows($q['info']); } // If search is performed [v1.12] } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $q['info'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_news WHERE content LIKE '%" . cn_dbEscape( $_REQUEST['s'] ) . "%' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $lims, $pgset", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsSearch'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $newsnum = mysql_num_rows($q['info']); // Retrieve all news items } else { $extra = ""; if(!empty($c)) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "$c"; } if($_REQUEST['c'] != "") { $extra = "WHERE cat = '$_REQUEST[c]'"; } $q['cats'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_cats ORDER BY name ASC", $link) or E( $lang['errorCategorySelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $catnum = mysql_num_rows($q['cats']); $q['info'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_news $extra ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $lims, $pgset", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $q['countn'] = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) as newscount FROM $t_news $extra", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $newsnum = mysql_result($q['countn'],'newscount'); if($catnum > "1" && $set['catbox'] == "on") { ?>

"; } if(isset($q['info'])) { // $q[info] check // Retrieve array of images from database [v1.14] $q['images'] = mysql_query("SELECT id, filename, thumbname FROM $t_img", $link) or E( $lang['errorImagesSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); while($img = mysql_fetch_array($q['images'])) { if(empty($img['thumbname'])) { $imgarr[$img['id']] = $img['filename']; } else { $imgarr[$img['id']] = $img['thumbname']; } } // Begin output of news items while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q['info'], MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $auid = $r['author']; $output = $set['output']; $r['subject'] = "$r[subject]"; $serv_tzone = (date("Z")/3600); // Format date to current timezone, using format setting specified $r['date'] = date("$set[dateform]", cn_zonechange("$serv_tzone", "$set[timezone]", "$r[date]")); // Print category name for current news item [v1.13] $catname = cn_getinfo($r['cat'],"name",$t_cats); $output = str_replace("{cat}", "$catname", $output); // Add line breaks to both content areas only [v1.13 fix] $content = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $r['content']); $content2 = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $r['content2']); // Replace image tags with proper images [v1.14] if(is_array($imgarr)) { foreach($imgarr as $imgid => $filename) { $content = str_replace("{img:$imgid}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"left") . "", $content); $content = str_replace("{img:$imgid|left}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"left") . "", $content); $content = str_replace("{img:$imgid|center}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"center") . "", $content); $content = str_replace("{img:$imgid|right}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"right") . "", $content); $content2 = str_replace("{img:$imgid}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"left") . "", $content2); $content2 = str_replace("{img:$imgid|left}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"left") . "", $content2); $content2 = str_replace("{img:$imgid|center}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"center") . "", $content2); $content2 = str_replace("{img:$imgid|right}","" . cn_showImage($filename,"right") . "", $content2); } } // Highlight searched item in returned news if search is performed and searches are allowed [v1.12] if(isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $content = cn_highlight(stripslashes($content), $_REQUEST['s']); // case-insensitive or partial word search //$output = str_replace("$_REQUEST[s]", "$s", $output); // exact word search } // Summarize story option [v1.12] if($r['sumstory'] == "on" && isset($_REQUEST['a'])) { $output = str_replace("{news}", "$content
$content2", $output); } elseif($r['sumstory'] == "on") { $output = str_replace("{news}", "$content " . $lang['lblNewsReadMore'] . "", $output); } else { $output = str_replace("{news}", "$content", $output); } // Use Keywords and word filter if filter is turned "on" [v1.12] if($set['words'] == "on") { $q['words'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_words ORDER BY word ASC", $link) or E( $lang['errorKeywordsSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); while ($w = mysql_fetch_array($q['words'], MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if($w['type'] == "link") { $w['replaced'] = "$w[word]"; } elseif($w['type'] == "picture") { $w['replaced'] = "\"$w[word]\""; } $output = str_replace($w['word'], $w['replaced'], $output); } } // Build user-defined source link [v1.12] if(empty($r['source']) || empty($r['sourceurl'])) { $output = str_replace("{source}", "", $output); } else { if(empty($set['source'])) { $setsource = "$r[source]"; $output = str_replace("{source}", "$setsource", $output); } else { $setsource = str_replace("{sname}", $r['source'], $set['source']); $setsource = str_replace("{surl}", $r['sourceurl'], $setsource); $output = str_replace("{source}", $setsource, $output); } } // Build user-defined author link [v1.12] if(empty($set['author'])) { $setauthor = "" . cn_getinfo($r['author']) . ""; $output = str_replace("{author}", "$setauthor", $output); } else { $setauthor = str_replace("{aemail}", "" . cn_getinfo($r['author'], "email") . "", $set['author']); $setauthor = str_replace("{aname}", "" . cn_getinfo($r['author']) . "", $setauthor); $output = str_replace("{author}", $setauthor, $output); } $output = str_replace("{subject}", $r['subject'], $output); $output = str_replace("{date}", $r['date'], $output); // Transform news output to HTML code $output = cn_htmltrans($output,'html'); // View/Post Comments Link [v1.12] if($set['comments'] == "on" && !isset($_REQUEST['a'])) { $q['comsn'] = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) as comscount FROM $t_coms WHERE news_id = '$r[id]'", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsCommentSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $comsnum = mysql_result($q['comsn'],comscount); if(empty($set['coms_text'])) { $output = str_replace("{comments}", "$r['id'])) . "\">" .$lang['lblNewsPostComments'] . " ($comsnum)", $output); } else { $setcoms_text = str_replace("{cnum}", "$comsnum", $set['coms_text']); $output = str_replace("{comments}", "$r['id'])) . "\">$setcoms_text", $output); } } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['a'])) { //$output = str_replace("{comments}", "
[ '')) . "\">" . $lang['lblNewsReturn'] . " ]", $output); $output = str_replace("{comments}", "", $output); } else { $output = str_replace("{comments}", "", $output); } // Output formatted news echo $output; } // End While (output of news items) // If single article is viewed, and comments are turned "on", list comments [v1.12] if(isset($_REQUEST['a']) && $set['comments'] == "on") { $q['coms'] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $t_coms WHERE news_id = '$_REQUEST[a]' ORDER BY date ASC", $link) or E( $lang['errorNewsCommentSelect'] . "
" . mysql_error()); $comsnum = mysql_num_rows($q['coms']); if($comsnum != "0") { ?> () \n" . $lang['lblNewsCommentEmail'] . ": $c[email]
\n"; if( !empty( $c['website'] ) ) { echo $lang['lblNewsCommentWebsite'] . ": $c[website]
\n"; } echo $lang['lblNewsCommentText'] . ": " . stripslashes(nl2br($c['comment'])) . "
\n"; } } ?>




$pgset) { if ($pg != "1") { $pgn = $pg-1; print "$pgn,'c'=>$_REQUEST['c'],'a'=>'')) . "\">"; print $lang['lblPagePrev']; print "  "; } $totalpages = ceil($newsnum / $pgset); for ($loop = 1; ;$loop++) { if ($loop > $totalpages) { break; } if ($loop == $pg) { print "$loop"; print "  "; } else { print "$loop,'c'=>$_REQUEST['c'],'a'=>'')) . "\">"; print $loop; print ""; print "  "; } } } if ($pg < $totalpages) { $pgn = $pg+1; print "$pgn,'c'=>$_REQUEST['c'],'a'=>'')) . "\">"; print $lang['lblPageNext']; print ""; } } ?>